In a study “Customer’s Favourite” by Focus-Money, Conradia Medical Prevention was awarded the rating “Highest recommendation” in the category „Check-up Centers in Germany“.

The survey and the results were published in Focus-Money (issue 26/2022).

Study details: Focus-Money is one of the best-known and most widely covered business titles in Germany. In this year’s study “Recommended by customers”, 1,355 providers from 81 industries were put to the test.  
Customers could indicate from a list of providers whether they actually recommended the provider in their social environment (private, professional, etc.).

Results: Suppliers are allocated to sectors on the basis of purchasing segments. Conradia Medical Prevention received the award “Highest Recommendation” for the best recommendation rate in the sector “Check-up Centers in Germany”.

A detailed report on the study and the award winners can be found here.


The survey also confirmed the survey of the Handelsblatt (the largest business and financial newspaper in the German language) in 2019:

  • Handelsblatt has awarded Conradia Medical Prevention a top place among the Check-up centers in Germany in 2019 as part of their Ranking “Germanys best service provider” in healthcare.
  • Our Check-up center in Hamburg was honored as NUMBER ONE Check-up Center in Germany.
